Thursday 3 August 2017

Candles – Day 43 Tiw / Tyr

I give thanks for all past assistance from Tyr, and opportunities to be of service that He has brought my way, and may I serve Tyr in whatever other ways are prescribed.
Under the direction of the Higher Self and Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force (BPM) Guides of all concerned, and as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG), may:
·         mighty Tyr, known also as Tiw, God of Tuesday, I thank you for all your past deeds, including those of benefit to me, and may I be worthy of your service, serve you and your cause of justness as you see fit, and be rewarded as you deem right and proper;
·         I also humbly ask that my home(s) past, present and future be kept safe and secure as places of social justice, courage and fairness; and
·         I most humbly ask that:
o    our rights as citizens, rather than customers, be restored;
o    all abuses/misuses of the Names of Deities be BPM stopped and neutralised;
o    the trend towards loss of privacy and personal dignity be stopped and reversed;
o    duty, self-discipline and the external BPM imposition of BPM discipline come to be accepted as the other expressions of love;
o    negativity and self-indulgent emotions come to be seen as tricksters, and drama and melodrama known for the evil that they are;
o    teenagers come to be viewed as apprentice adults, and only those who have
(a) moved out from home, and
(b) been through at least one Saturn Return,
be acclaimed as fully adult;
o    education accept that it is aiming to produce not only literate and academically capable students, but also well-rounded human beings - including stepping in where parents/carers fail in their duty, and
that praise and encouragement not be given if it is unmerited or would only serve to inflate an ego;
o    those who are simplistic/jingoistic, superficial, small minded, fearful, naïve, reactionary, immature, materialistic or otherwise nonBPM have their consciousness BPFL raised until they have a broader, more spiritual perspective and outlook on life, governance and society, and
that all people be free of truly unwarranted, unjustified or unreasonable expectations/sense of entitlement (and the ingratitude, rudeness and self-centredness associated with same), but aware of what they can truly achieve;
o    the Australian group mind become less xenophobic and more attentive, industrious and mature, and
the Melbourne (under Bunjil’s guidance)-Sydney-Brisbane group minds less materialistic and in favour of a slower paced life and greater social and environmental and personal responsibility;
all with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may I and, as is for HSG, all others directly or indirectly involved, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be.

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