Tuesday 24 May 2016

The Morríghan

In honour of The Morríghan, and may our connection lead to better BPM spirit rescue.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Candles for Thursday 19th May, 2016

Today's specific candles are for the following:

  • may K be better and have the strength, patience, resilience and whatever else is needed to endure, and may those helping her find the right combination of medicines without causing any harm along the way; 
  • may we all recover from the stresses of moving and settling in, and may we recover all our bond from the previous rental without any argument; 
  • may the US Presidential campaigns and elections have only BPM outcomes for the world and humanity, and for good, BPM governance everywhere; 
  • may we in Australia have better preparation for heat waves and bushfires, including building houses with greater heat mass and insulation, and using non-flammable materials;   for the healing of all direct and indirect victims of sexual abuse – particularly children, and may the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice and BPM prevented from ever committing such an act again - particularly when the abuser is someone with power;   may all victims of crime receive the help they need, as is for HSG, and the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice;   may all public debates be civil;
  • may we have a smooth transition into our new house, and may I have the BPM opportunities - some where - to resume my spiritual / psychic work at full intensity;
  • may all past / present / future Real Estate Agents I or my SOs have to deal with be absolutely utterly and completely BPM stopped and prevented from any / all nonBPM behaviour;
  • may I have the healing, energy, time and resources I need to recover from the last couple of decades, including abusive / non-ideal relationships, excessively demanding work, uncertainties and other problems, and be able to have a rest, get out of the city, eventually retire with adequate health / money / time to enjoy that and complete all the non-paying work I am meant to do, find a more secure day job, and do all that I should in this incarnation; 
  • may I BPM build a floating home (boat) and a mobile (micro)home and, if it is for HSG, one day own a more conventional home - preferably out of the city, and likewise for S and S on the last; 
  • to clear nonBPM units from and send BPM energy to:
     - South America, the Antarctic and Russia
     - the South Atlantic Ocean, Southern and Central Africa and the Indian Ocean;
     - Northern Africa, Europe and West Asia / the "Middle East";
  • may Gyhldeptis, Lady Hanging Hair, remind us all of the peace that still exists when we are in chaos, and may true, lasting and BPM peace be created in Syria, Yemen, and all other places of violent conflict, and may that peace spread; 
  • may I always have the time, energy and psychic space to do these candles regularly, on a daily basis; 
  • may all these requests, and everything that is done, thought, said or felt in relation to them, be only BPM and for, and to the extent that is for, the Highest Spiritual Good.

Day 37 candles (Ul)

I give thanks for all past blessings I have received from Ul, and may, under the direction of my Higher Self and the Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force, the energies, Principles and Entities symbolised by and embedded in this rune, as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG) ensure that the following have adequate BPM turning points, recovery of past life skills, and ‘higher octave’ (spiritually) expressions of strength, including benefits and duties of same, and other resources to be of the BPM and to do that which they should for the BPM for themselves and others:
·         myself, including my parallels and Higher Self and my life, health and wellbeing;
·         my Significant Others, past, present and future;
·         all those I have a duty to or have made a BPM choice to care about or assist;
·         all who have sought, are seeking or will seek to make this world a better (i.e., more BPM) place, including opposing those actions, entities and units which are weakening or opposing the BPM or are not of the BPM;
·         all specific actions I have, am or will think of in relation to accomplishing this, including all those I have raised previously under this rune (until they are BPM completed).
May this be done with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may, as is for HSG, I and all others directly or indirectly involved with accomplishing this, on all levels, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Candles for Wednesday 18th May, 2016

Today's specific candles are for the following:
  • may E's son, T, be healed completely, and may those responsible be found by the police - by BPM means - and brought to BPM justice; 
  • may we all recover from the stresses of moving and settling in, and may we recover all our bond from the previous rental without any argument; 
  • may the US Presidential campaigns and elections have only BPM outcomes for the world and humanity, and for good, BPM governance everywhere; 
  • may we in Australia have better preparation for heat waves and bushfires, including building houses with greater heat mass and insulation, and using non-flammable materials;   for the healing of all direct and indirect victims of sexual abuse – particularly children, and may the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice and BPM prevented from ever committing such an act again - particularly when the abuser is someone with power;   may all victims of crime receive the help they need, as is for HSG, and the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice;   may all public debates be civil;
  • may we have a smooth transition into our new house, and may I have the BPM opportunities - some where - to resume my spiritual / psychic work at full intensity;
  • may all past / present / future Real Estate Agents I or my SOs have to deal with be absolutely utterly and completely BPM stopped and prevented from any / all nonBPM behaviour;
  • may I have the healing, energy, time and resources I need to recover from the last couple of decades, including abusive / non-ideal relationships, excessively demanding work, uncertainties and other problems, and be able to have a rest, get out of the city, eventually retire with adequate health / money / time to enjoy that and complete all the non-paying work I am meant to do, find a more secure day job, and do all that I should in this incarnation; 
  • may I BPM build a floating home (boat) and a mobile (micro)home and, if it is for HSG, one day own a more conventional home - preferably out of the city, and likewise for S and S on the last; 
  • to clear nonBPM units from and send BPM energy to:
     - South America, the Antarctic and Russia
     - the South Atlantic Ocean, Southern and Central Africa and the Indian Ocean;
     - Northern Africa, Europe and West Asia / the "Middle East";
  • may Gyhldeptis, Lady Hanging Hair, remind us all of the peace that still exists when we are in chaos, and may true, lasting and BPM peace be created in Syria, Yemen, and all other places of violent conflict, and may that peace spread; 
  • may I always have the time, energy and psychic space to do these candles regularly, on a daily basis; 
  • may all these requests, and everything that is done, thought, said or felt in relation to them, be only BPM and for, and to the extent that is for, the Highest Spiritual Good.

Day 36 candles (Erda)

I give thanks for all past blessings I have received from Ear/Erda, and may, under the direction of my Higher Self and the Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force, the energies, Principles and Entities symbolised by and embedded in this rune, as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG) ensure that the following have adequate BPM reintegration and benefit from Mother Earth / ‘higher octave’ (spiritually) expression of the Goddess, including benefits and duties of same, and other resources to be of the BPM and to do that which they should for the BPM for themselves and others:
·         myself, including my parallels and Higher Self and my life, health and wellbeing;
·         my Significant Others, past, present and future;
·         all those I have a duty to or have made a BPM choice to care about or assist;
·         all who have sought, are seeking or will seek to make this world a better (i.e., more BPM) place, including opposing those actions, entities and units which are weakening or opposing the BPM or are not of the BPM;
·         all specific actions I have, am or will think of in relation to accomplishing this, including all those I have raised previously under this rune (until they are BPM completed), particularly:
o    Gaea, Goddess of the Earth, be manifest in and through me and my life,
o    may all parents move from Berkana influenced parenting to Erda influenced parenting as their children pass puberty, that they may be objective, strong and calm, as they train their now apprentice adults of ALL that is required in order to be an adult, capable of standing on their own two feet, with parents who are capable of calmly letting go,
o    all those in our healing book and folder and our thoughts and hearts be granted all the healing they need,
o    all who die, particularly from acts of terrorism, torture, crime, poverty/hunger/thirst or “Acts of Nature’, be BPM assisted to pass over,
o    those responsible for abuses of justice as a result of prejudice, bigotry or hate be exposed and publicly brought to full, fair and impartial BPM justice, whether in this life or the next, and may their victims and any others who are of the same ilk as those responsible for the abuse see the justice being done and know that it is justice in this matter, and justice be extended to all who have or are suffering under similar circumstances of so-called ‘moral panic’,
o    those harmed directly or indirectly by acts of terrorism, torture, crime or the existence / persistence of poverty/hunger/thirst or “Acts of Nature”, be given the BPM sense of perspective that they may be able to genuinely BPM heal themselves, along the lines of Ingrid Poulson, as she describe in her book “Rise”, or Carren Smith in her book “Soul Survivor”, but without any diminution of the drive for BPM justice and BPM transformation of any/all who have done wrong;
o    prevention/harm minimisation/containment of bushfires and healing/repair/justice afterwards;
o    all who abuse or fail to BPM use their power, or deny the nonBPM consequences of exercises of power such as strip searches, have the consequences of their actions returned to them in sleep state in such a way that they come to realise the errors of their ways in sufficient time to stop building more negative karma through their direct / indirect injury of others.
May this be done with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may, as is for HSG, I and all others directly or indirectly involved with accomplishing this, on all levels, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be.

I give thanks for all past work on world peace, and may, under the direction of the Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force, the energies, Principles and Entities symbolised by and embedded in these runes, as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG) ensure that:
·         the Peace, Hope, Love and Prosperity spell, and all similar spiritual/psychic work for peace, be made FULLY manifest;
·         all people
o    put the worldwide community of humanity first, and start to manifest that through greater unity, including Balanced Positive Light Force (BPM) effectiveness of the European Union, African Union, United Nations and the like,
o    NEVER place expediency ahead of decency and/or human rights,
o    the work of specific individuals for BPM peace be enhanced, facilitated and successful,
o    those who actively or passively oppose or hinder BPM peace be BPM nullified including:
 - those responsible for acts of hatred, bigotry or prejudice be brought to Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force justice,
 - all alienation of people or minorities be reversed, including peaceful realignment of nonsensical boundaries imposed by others;
o    whoever has material power have the wherewithal to comport themselves with dignity, and to ensure that all act with dignity, restraint, and thought for the future of their land and ALL the peoples who live there including women, LGBTIQ people, Pagans, New World Servants and all asylum seekers / refugees, and actively seek to BPM defuse tensions to avoid unnecessary wars, violence and conflict;
·         may over-population be BPM managed, prevented and reversed (e.g., by increased education and GDP) and over-consumption also BPM managed, prevented and reversed, with reduction in the number of ultra-rich and their influence;
·         may access to resources such as water and minerals always be equitable and in line with BPM justice, and negotiations over same conducted with dignity, respect, selflessness and transparency.
May this be done with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may, as is for HSG, I and all others directly or indirectly involved with accomplishing this, on all levels, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be.