Thursday 30 June 2016

Candles for Thursday 30th June, 2016

Today's specific candles are for the following:

  • may the consequences of "Brexit" be limited to being as BPM-only as is possible for the HSG;
  • for finding a new, less stressful, more rewarding, more stable and secure, and adequate-income job, and for a stable and adequate income for all the people I care about; 
  • for my continued renewal; 
  • may the repairs to the garage go smoothly, and without interruption to our lives;
  • may we all recover from the stresses of moving and settling in; 
  • may the US Presidential and Australian Commonwealth campaigns and elections have only BPM outcomes for the world and humanity, and for good, BPM governance everywhere; 
  • to clear nonBPM units from and send BPM energy to:
     - South America, the South Atlantic Ocean, Southern Africa, Antarctica, the Indian Ocean, South Asia / the “Indian sub-continent”, and Central Asia
     - Central and North America, the North Atlantic ocean and the Arctic;
     - the Pacific;
     - Russia, East and South East Asia an d Australia;
     - Central and Northern Africa, West Asia / the “Middle East” and Europe;
  • may Gyhldeptis, Lady Hanging Hair, remind us all of the peace that still exists when we are in chaos, and may true, lasting and BPM peace be created in Syria, Yemen, and all other places of violent conflict, and may that peace spread;
  • may we in Australia have better preparation for heat waves and bushfires, including building houses with greater heat mass and insulation, and using non-flammable materials;   for the healing of all direct and indirect victims of sexual abuse – particularly children, and may the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice and BPM prevented from ever committing such an act again - particularly when the abuser is someone with power;   may all victims of crime receive the help they need, as is for HSG, and the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice;   may all public debates be civil;
  • may all past / present / future Real Estate Agents and similar that I or my SOs have to deal with be absolutely utterly and completely BPM stopped and prevented from any / all nonBPM behaviour;
  • may I have the healing, energy, time and resources I need to recover from the last couple of decades, including abusive / non-ideal relationships, excessively demanding work, uncertainties and other problems, and be able to have a rest, get out of the city, retire with adequate health / money / time to enjoy that and complete all the non-paying work I am meant to do, find a more secure day job, and do all that I should in this incarnation; 
  • may I BPM build a floating home (boat) and a mobile (micro)home and, if it is for HSG, one day own a more conventional home - preferably out of the city, and likewise for S and S on the latter, and may S and S have stable, secure and sufficient income and resources to meet their needs and to be financially independent;
  • may I have the BPM opportunities - some where - to resume my spiritual / psychic work at full intensity;
  • may I always have the time, energy and psychic space to do these candles regularly, on a daily basis; 
  • may all these requests, and everything that is done, thought, said or felt in relation to them, be only BPM and for, and to the extent that is for, the Highest Spiritual Good.

Day 55 cndles (for Ceridwen)

I give thanks for all past assistance from Cerridwen, and opportunities to be of service that She has brought my way, and may I be of service as a communicator of Her Wisdom, and may I serve Cerridwen in whatever other ways are prescribed.
Under the direction of the Higher Self and Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force (BPM) Guides of all concerned, and as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG), may:
·          - in the ‘zeitgeist’:
o    our rights as citizens, rather than customers, be restored;
o    the trend towards loss of privacy and personal dignity be stopped and reversed;
o    duty, self-discipline and the external BPM imposition of BPM discipline come to be accepted as the other expressions of love;
o    negativity and self-indulgent emotions come to be seen as tricksters, and drama and melodrama known for the evil that they are;
o    teenagers come to be viewed as apprentice adults, and only those who have
(a) moved out from home, and
(b) been through at least one Saturn Return,
be acclaimed as fully adult;
o    education accept that it is aiming to produce not only literate and academically capable students, but also well-rounded human beings - including stepping in where parents/carers fail in their duty, and
that praise and encouragement not be given if it is unmerited or would only serve to inflate an ego;
o    those who are simplistic/jingoistic, superficial, small minded, fearful, naïve, reactionary, immature, materialistic or otherwise nonBPM have their consciousness BPFL raised until they have a broader, more spiritual perspective and outlook on life, governance and society, and
that all people be free of truly unwarranted, unjustified or unreasonable expectations/sense of entitlement (and the ingratitude, rudeness and self-centredness associated with same), but aware of what they can truly achieve;
o    the Australian group mind become less xenophobic and more attentive, industrious and mature, and
the Melbourne (under Bunjil’s guidance)-Sydney-Brisbane group minds less materialistic and in favour of a slower paced life and greater social and environmental and personal responsibility;
o    the small-mindedness that manifests in patronising questions (by women) of women athletes be utterly stopped and replaced with respect;
·         over-population be BPM managed, prevented and reversed (e.g., by increased education and GDP) and over-consumption also BPM managed, prevented and reversed, with reduction in the number of ultra-rich and their influence;
·         those responsible for abuses of justice as a result of prejudice, bigotry or hate be exposed and publicly brought to full, fair and impartial BPM justice, whether in this life or the next, and may their victims and any others who are of the same ilk as those responsible for the abuse see the justice being done and know that it is justice in this matter, and justice be extended to all who have or are suffering under similar circumstances of so-called ‘moral panic’;
all with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may I and, as is for HSG, all others directly or indirectly involved, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.

Monday 27 June 2016

Candles for Monday 27th June, 2016

Today's specific candles are for the following:
  • may the consequences of "Brexit" be limited to being as BPM-only as is possible for the HSG;
  • for the dog Amber's recovery from being neutered; 
  • for finding a new, less stressful, more stable and adequate-income job, and for a stable and adequate income for all the people I care about; 
  • for my continued renewal; 
  • may the repairs to the garage go smoothly, and without interruption to our lives;
  • may we all recover from the stresses of moving and settling in; 
  • may the US Presidential and Australian Commonwealth campaigns and elections have only BPM outcomes for the world and humanity, and for good, BPM governance everywhere; 
  • to clear nonBPM units from and send BPM energy to:
     - South America, the South Atlantic Ocean, Southern Africa, Antarctica, the Indian Ocean, South Asia / the “Indian sub-continent”, and Central Asia
     - Central and North America, the North Atlantic ocean and the Arctic;
  • may Gyhldeptis, Lady Hanging Hair, remind us all of the peace that still exists when we are in chaos, and may true, lasting and BPM peace be created in Syria, Yemen, and all other places of violent conflict, and may that peace spread;
  • may we in Australia have better preparation for heat waves and bushfires, including building houses with greater heat mass and insulation, and using non-flammable materials;   for the healing of all direct and indirect victims of sexual abuse – particularly children, and may the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice and BPM prevented from ever committing such an act again - particularly when the abuser is someone with power;   may all victims of crime receive the help they need, as is for HSG, and the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice;   may all public debates be civil;
  • may all past / present / future Real Estate Agents and similar that I or my SOs have to deal with be absolutely utterly and completely BPM stopped and prevented from any / all nonBPM behaviour;
  • may I have the healing, energy, time and resources I need to recover from the last couple of decades, including abusive / non-ideal relationships, excessively demanding work, uncertainties and other problems, and be able to have a rest, get out of the city, retire with adequate health / money / time to enjoy that and complete all the non-paying work I am meant to do, find a more secure day job, and do all that I should in this incarnation; 
  • may I BPM build a floating home (boat) and a mobile (micro)home and, if it is for HSG, one day own a more conventional home - preferably out of the city, and likewise for S and S on the latter, and may S and S have stable, secure and sufficient income and resources to meet their needs and to be financially independent;
  • may I have the BPM opportunities - some where - to resume my spiritual / psychic work at full intensity;
  • may I always have the time, energy and psychic space to do these candles regularly, on a daily basis; 
  • may all these requests, and everything that is done, thought, said or felt in relation to them, be only BPM and for, and to the extent that is for, the Highest Spiritual Good.

Day 54 Candles (The Morríghan)

In honour of The Morríghan, and may our connection lead to better BPM spirit rescue.

Saturday 25 June 2016

Candles for Saturday 25th June, 2016

Today's specific candles are for the following:

  • may the consequences of "Brexit" be limited to s BPM-only as is possible for the HSG;
  • for finding a new, less stressful, more stable and adequate-income job, and for a stable and adequate income for all the people I care about; 
  • for my continued renewal; 
  • may the repairs to the garage go smoothly, and without interruption to our lives;
  • may we all recover from the stresses of moving and settling in; 
  • may the US Presidential and Australian Commonwealth campaigns and elections have only BPM outcomes for the world and humanity, and for good, BPM governance everywhere; 
  • for the healing, rest and recovery of all trying to make this world a more BPM place;
  • may Gyhldeptis, Lady Hanging Hair, remind us all of the peace that still exists when we are in chaos, and may true, lasting and BPM peace be created in Syria, Yemen, and all other places of violent conflict, and may that peace spread;
  • may we in Australia have better preparation for heat waves and bushfires, including building houses with greater heat mass and insulation, and using non-flammable materials;   for the healing of all direct and indirect victims of sexual abuse – particularly children, and may the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice and BPM prevented from ever committing such an act again - particularly when the abuser is someone with power;   may all victims of crime receive the help they need, as is for HSG, and the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice;   may all public debates be civil;
  • may all past / present / future Real Estate Agents and similar that I or my SOs have to deal with be absolutely utterly and completely BPM stopped and prevented from any / all nonBPM behaviour;
  • may I have the healing, energy, time and resources I need to recover from the last couple of decades, including abusive / non-ideal relationships, excessively demanding work, uncertainties and other problems, and be able to have a rest, get out of the city, retire with adequate health / money / time to enjoy that and complete all the non-paying work I am meant to do, find a more secure day job, and do all that I should in this incarnation; 
  • may I BPM build a floating home (boat) and a mobile (micro)home and, if it is for HSG, one day own a more conventional home - preferably out of the city, and likewise for S and S on the latter, and may S and S have stable, secure and sufficient income and resources to meet their needs and to be financially independent;
  • may I have the BPM opportunities - some where - to resume my spiritual / psychic work at full intensity;
  • may I always have the time, energy and psychic space to do these candles regularly, on a daily basis; 
  • may all these requests, and everything that is done, thought, said or felt in relation to them, be only BPM and for, and to the extent that is for, the Highest Spiritual Good.

Day 53 candles (for the Lords of Light, Karma and Time)

For the Lords of Light, Karma and Time.