Tuesday 30 April 2019

For Samhain (northern hemisphere Beltane)

For Samhain (northern hemisphere Beltane) 

For S

May S have all the strength, energy, support, healing and other resources she needs in order to be completely healthy, fit and strong, and to have a long, fulfilling and active life, and may she be successful is all she is being BPM Guided to do.

For International Jazz Day

For International Jazz Day 

Candles for Tuesday 30th April, 2019

Today's specific candles are for the following:

  • for good, BPM governance everywhere; 
  • for the BPM containment of the current US President and the evil he is perpetuating, may the damage he and his coterie and ilk are doing be BPM healed and utterly reversed, and may a BPM leader be elected by peaceful process ASAP. Furthermore, may the 45th President of the USA and all other despots (Duterte, Kim, etc), together with those seeking to encourage or enact their malicious and destructive evil, be BPM neutralised, cleansed and cleared of the flaw that led them to be that way, and brought to a state of BPM awareness, understanding and knowledge - may Hades, Saturnus and the Morrigan make it so
  • may the lack of understanding, compassion and human decency of all neoliberal Australian Prime Ministers and their ilk, the hate of conservatives, the hypocritical unloving parents who cannot stand the possibility that their child will have any combination of views but their own prejudices, and all those who, either deliberately or inadvertently, reinforce or advocate for such views - which, at their core, are NO DIFFERENT to white supremacist (aka "racist") or male supremacist (aka "sexist") views, be BPM cleansed and cleared of those flaws, and may those flaws be replaced with true BPM spiritual and other forms of maturity and love - or at least genuine acceptance, to the extent that they actively, willingly and deliberately undo the massive personal and societal harm that they have done - may Cerridwen, Bride and Kwan Yin make it so;  
  • may the marginal supporters of both the preceding sets of people have the nonBPM influences lifted from their shoulders, allowing them to “come to their senses”, and the BPM influences around them (e.g., their BPM Guides) be simultaneously strengthened to counter any backsliding - may Thor, Maat, and Wodan make it so
  • may all those who are seeking to accomplish these BPM goals be BPM assisted (e.g., by sending them “positive vibes”, having nonBPM blockages cleared, and actions such as BPM vortices above meetings to draw away external nonBPM influences/energies/units, so that the audience can listen as they are, without any obsession/possession) - may Nepthys, Salah, and Tiw make it so;
  • may:   a way be found to BPM reform the UN Security Council veto power;   the need to partition Syria and create a homeland for the Kurds be accepted by all and manifested;   all those who deny the existence of major acts of evil (including the denials of the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide, the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans in the 90s, of Australia's complicity by training military in other nations who then commit atrocities, and of Australia's duplicity and abuses of law with regard to refugees) be brought to a state of sanity, knowledge and acknowledgement;   all unwarranted concerns over international justice (e.g., fear of punishment for miscalculations) be relieved;   the principle of R2P be given real teeth, and all nations have and use a sense of history, forethought and concern for ethical consequences (that the USA did NOT use in Afghanistan in the 80s and 90s, Iran-Central America, Iraq in the 80s and 2000s, around the ICC, etc) and ensure that applies to all its agents, authorities, instruments, organisations, etc;
  • may all people:  recognise that true, authentic BPM power never diminishes or detracts, and therefore BPM refuse to submit to or support (by either omission or commission) abuses / misuses of power, nor “fake” power;   be BPM reflective, BPM self-aware and BPM prepared to grow and change;   be responsible for creating, using or maintaining systems never lose sight of the ultimate BPM purpose (to make other people’s lives better) and thus never lose their BPM senses of proportion and perspective;   never allow the consequences / significance of an event sway them from the BPM truth, nor from taking BPM action;
  • may Gyhldeptis, Lady Hanging Hair, tie all this together in a harmonious, constructive and BPM manner.
  •  for the clearing of nonBPM units from, and the sending of BPM energy to:
      - all actual and potential BPM Leaders, for all humans to recognise the essential shared humanness of other people, all BPM Interrupters of violence / hate / fear / anger, and for all humans to choose to live modestly;
     - the Arctic, South Atlantic Ocean, Southern Ocean, Antarctica, and the Indian Ocean
     - all of America, and the North and South Atlantic Oceans, Europe, and European Russia
    Europe, European Russia, all of Africa and West Asia
  • may Gyhldeptis, Lady Hanging Hair, remind us all of the peace that still exists when we are in chaos, and may true, lasting and BPM peace be created in Syria, Yemen, central Africa, Ukraine, and all other places of violent conflict, and may that peace spread; 
  • may those harmed, directly or indirectly, by anything in today's news, and those charged with investigating/preventing any wrongful act, be given the appropriate BPM resources, including support, they need to recover from those events; 
  • for me:
    May I have - ASAP - a BPM safe, secure, adequate income, low stress and personally meaningful way to earn a living that enables me to achieve the BPM goals I have for this life.
    May S, S and T all have safe, secure, adequate income, low stress and meaningful incomes that are independent of me.
  • may we in Australia have better preparation for heat waves and bushfires, including building houses with greater heat mass and insulation and using geothermal stabilisation and non-flammable materials;   for the healing of all direct and indirect victims of sexual abuse – particularly children, and may the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice and BPM prevented from ever committing such an act again (including in future lives) - particularly when the abuser is someone with power;   may all victims of crime receive the help they need, as is for HSG, and the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice;   may all public debates be civil;   and   may micro-homes and other flexibility to enable affordable housing come into widespread being (especially overcoming, reversing, and removing the bigotry towards life time renters, and breaking the moronic association between owning a home and wanting to be / feel wealthy / superior);
  • may all past / present / future Real Estate Agents and similar that I or my SOs have to deal with be absolutely utterly and completely BPM stopped and prevented from any / all nonBPM behaviour;
  • may I have the healing, energy, time and resources I need to recover from the last couple of decades, complete all the non-paying work I am meant to do / do all that I should in this incarnation, and achieve my personal goals, and may I live long enough to retire, and have the good health and income to do what I have been denied by having to support dependents;
  • for a stable and adequate income for all the people I care about / close to me / that I have a duty for, and an honourable BPM way out of my current living situation to a situation that is more pleasant, fulfilling and BPM sustainable for me; 
  • may I have the BPM opportunities - some where - to resume my spiritual / psychic work at full intensity, including always having the time, energy and psychic space to do these candles regularly, on a daily basis;
  • Let me this day, living my life day by day in the manner prescribed, control and direct my imagination.
    Let me this day, living my life day by day in the manner prescribed, control my desires and my thoughts that I be purified thereby.
    Let me this day and all days, keep my imagination and my thoughts directed firmly upon the task which has to be accomplished that success may come thereby.
    I will at all times live my life day by day, controlling imagination and thought.
                                                                             [Lobsang Rampa]

    We pray that all people of all nations of this world come to peace within themselves and come to recognise whence they came.
    We pray that all civilisations of the Universe that are engaged in the balancing of the Universe be given peace and strength within to carry on the work to which they are committed.
    We pray that the physical beings of the planet Earth come into a state of awareness and understanding in order for their souls to evolve to raise the spiritual level of the planet Earth and to cleanse the realms around the planet Earth for the betterment of all.
    We pray that those beings and civilisations that are opposing what we do come to the Light of understanding so that they also come into perfect balance.
    We pray that the day may soon come when all in the Universe have the knowledge and understanding that will make them whole.
    We pray for understanding amongst ourselves, and for the strength that is needed so each of us can guide the others to become perfect beings.
    We pray for the souls of all people of all nations of this world to be brought out of spiritual ignorance and into spiritual enlightenment.

                                                                             [adapted from "the Nine"]
    Keep me free from evil thoughts. Keep me free from the blackness of despair. At the time of my misery shine a light into the darkness that enshrouds me.
    Let my every thought be good and clean. Let my every action be for the good of others. Let me be positive in my thoughts that my mind may be strengthened therefrom.
    I am the Master of my Destiny. As I think today, so am I tomorrow. Let me therefore avoid all evil thoughts. Let me avoid all thoughts which cause distress to others. Let my Spirit arise within me that I may easily succeed in the task that lies ahead.
    I am the Master of my Destiny. So be it.

                                                                             [Lobsang Rampa]
    I am an instrument of peace:
       where there is hate and anger, I shall bring calm;
       where there is injury, healing and surcease;
       where there is despair or doubt, I bring hope and faith;
       where there is darkness, clarity of Light;
       and where there is sadness, I bring joy and resolve;
    I am a Fulcrum of Balance, Maturity and Light

                                                                             [adapted from a "Jedi Prayer" found online]
    May the best in me, my Higher Self,
    and those of the Clear Light who assist me,
    help me to keep myself grounded, centred and shielded,
    to be Balanced and a Fulcrum of Balance,
    a centre of Balanced Positivity and Spiritual Maturity,
    with my aura continuously cleansed, cleared and closed,
    repelling all negative or unwanted energies,
    whilst allowing positive, balancing and healing energies in and through.
  • may all these requests, and everything that is done, thought, said or felt in relation to them, be only BPM and for, and to the extent that is for, the Highest Spiritual Good.

Candles – Day 35 Wolfsangle 2nd of 2 – for World Peace

I give thanks for all past work on world peace, and may, under the direction of the Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force, the energies, Principles and Entities symbolised by and embedded in these runes, as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG) ensure that:
·         the Peace, Hope, Love and Prosperity spell, and all similar spiritual/psychic work for peace, be made FULLY manifest;
·         may the principles and methods of the “Cure Violence” project be fully accepted and implemented;
·         all people
o    put the worldwide community of humanity first, and start to manifest that through greater unity, including Balanced Positive Light Force (BPM) effectiveness of the European Union, African Union, United Nations and the like,
o    NEVER place expediency ahead of decency and/or human rights,
o    the work of specific individuals for BPM peace be enhanced, facilitated and successful,
o    those who actively or passively oppose or hinder BPM peace be BPM nullified including:
 - those responsible for acts of hatred, bigotry or prejudice be brought to Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force justice,
 - all alienation of people or minorities be reversed, including peaceful realignment of nonsensical boundaries imposed by others;
o    whoever has material power have the wherewithal to comport themselves with dignity, and to ensure that all act with dignity, restraint, and thought for the future of their land and ALL the peoples who live there including women, LGBTIQ people, Pagans, New World Servants and all asylum seekers / refugees, and actively seek to BPM defuse tensions to avoid unnecessary wars, violence and conflict;
·         may over-population be BPM managed, prevented and reversed (e.g., by increased education and GDP) and over-consumption also BPM managed, prevented and reversed, with reduction in the number of ultra-rich and their influence;
·         may access to resources such as water and minerals always be equitable and in line with BPM justice, and negotiations over same conducted with dignity, respect, selflessness and transparency.
May this be done with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may, as is for HSG, I and all others directly or indirectly involved with accomplishing this, on all levels, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be – and may all fight to change, rather than punish.

Candles – Day 35 Wolfsangle 1st of 2

I give thanks for all past blessings I have received from Wolfsangle, and may, under the direction of my Higher Self and the Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force, the energies, Principles and Entities symbolised by and embedded in this rune, as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG) ensure that the following have adequate BPM binding / transformation / channelling of energy, including benefits and duties of same, and other resources to be of the BPM and to do that which they should for the BPM for themselves and others:
·         myself, including my parallels and Higher Self and my life, health and wellbeing;
·         my Significant Others, past, present and future;
·         all those I have a duty to or have made a BPM choice to care about or assist;
·         all who have sought, are seeking or will seek to make this world a better (i.e., more BPM) place, including opposing those actions, entities and units which are weakening or opposing the BPM or are not of the BPM;
·         all specific actions I have, am or will think of in relation to accomplishing this, including all those I have raised previously under this rune (until they are BPM completed), particularly:
o    all negativity and capacity to harm others in me and, as is for the BPM HSG, others, be bound and transformed,
o    prevention/harm minimisation/containment of bushfires and healing/repair/justice afterwards,
o    the nonBPM influence of all who commit or support acts of violent extremism, torture, crime or the existence / persistence of poverty/hunger/thirst, be appropriately, proportionately BPM constrained until it can be transformed, and transformed into BPM only influence, including transformation of the people concerned;
o    as the wave that is the energy of the Aquarian Age gradually builds, may the world and all on it move out of spiritual and emotional chaos and come to realise that being in a healthy community, a community that is respectful, welcoming of diversity and individuality, and engaged in conscious relating, can foster, nurture and strengthen a healthy, balanced and spiritual individuality; may the Inner Planes become thus first, if such is necessary to manifest this into this level of Reality.
May this be done with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may, as is for HSG, I and all others directly or indirectly involved with accomplishing this, on all levels, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be.

Monday 29 April 2019

For S

May S have all the strength, energy, support, healing and other resources she needs in order to be completely healthy, fit and strong, and to have a long, fulfilling and active life, and may she be successful is all she is being BPM Guided to do.

For International Dance Day

For International Dance Day

For the Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare

For the Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare

Candles for Monday 29th April, 2019

Today's specific candles are for the following:

  • for good, BPM governance everywhere; 
  • for the BPM containment of the current US President and the evil he is perpetuating, may the damage he and his coterie and ilk are doing be BPM healed and utterly reversed, and may a BPM leader be elected by peaceful process ASAP. Furthermore, may the 45th President of the USA and all other despots (Duterte, Kim, etc), together with those seeking to encourage or enact their malicious and destructive evil, be BPM neutralised, cleansed and cleared of the flaw that led them to be that way, and brought to a state of BPM awareness, understanding and knowledge - may Hades, Saturnus and the Morrigan make it so
  • may the lack of understanding, compassion and human decency of all neoliberal Australian Prime Ministers and their ilk, the hate of conservatives, the hypocritical unloving parents who cannot stand the possibility that their child will have any combination of views but their own prejudices, and all those who, either deliberately or inadvertently, reinforce or advocate for such views - which, at their core, are NO DIFFERENT to white supremacist (aka "racist") or male supremacist (aka "sexist") views, be BPM cleansed and cleared of those flaws, and may those flaws be replaced with true BPM spiritual and other forms of maturity and love - or at least genuine acceptance, to the extent that they actively, willingly and deliberately undo the massive personal and societal harm that they have done - may Cerridwen, Bride and Kwan Yin make it so;  
  • may the marginal supporters of both the preceding sets of people have the nonBPM influences lifted from their shoulders, allowing them to “come to their senses”, and the BPM influences around them (e.g., their BPM Guides) be simultaneously strengthened to counter any backsliding - may Thor, Maat, and Wodan make it so
  • may all those who are seeking to accomplish these BPM goals be BPM assisted (e.g., by sending them “positive vibes”, having nonBPM blockages cleared, and actions such as BPM vortices above meetings to draw away external nonBPM influences/energies/units, so that the audience can listen as they are, without any obsession/possession) - may Nepthys, Salah, and Tiw make it so;
  • may:   a way be found to BPM reform the UN Security Council veto power;   the need to partition Syria and create a homeland for the Kurds be accepted by all and manifested;   all those who deny the existence of major acts of evil (including the denials of the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide, the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans in the 90s, of Australia's complicity by training military in other nations who then commit atrocities, and of Australia's duplicity and abuses of law with regard to refugees) be brought to a state of sanity, knowledge and acknowledgement;   all unwarranted concerns over international justice (e.g., fear of punishment for miscalculations) be relieved;   the principle of R2P be given real teeth, and all nations have and use a sense of history, forethought and concern for ethical consequences (that the USA did NOT use in Afghanistan in the 80s and 90s, Iran-Central America, Iraq in the 80s and 2000s, around the ICC, etc) and ensure that applies to all its agents, authorities, instruments, organisations, etc;
  • may all people:  recognise that true, authentic BPM power never diminishes or detracts, and therefore BPM refuse to submit to or support (by either omission or commission) abuses / misuses of power, nor “fake” power;   be BPM reflective, BPM self-aware and BPM prepared to grow and change;   be responsible for creating, using or maintaining systems never lose sight of the ultimate BPM purpose (to make other people’s lives better) and thus never lose their BPM senses of proportion and perspective;   never allow the consequences / significance of an event sway them from the BPM truth, nor from taking BPM action;
  • may Gyhldeptis, Lady Hanging Hair, tie all this together in a harmonious, constructive and BPM manner.
  •  for the clearing of nonBPM units from, and the sending of BPM energy to:
      - all actual and potential BPM Leaders, for all humans to recognise the essential shared humanness of other people, all BPM Interrupters of violence / hate / fear / anger, and for all humans to choose to live modestly;
     - the Arctic, South Atlantic Ocean, Southern Ocean, Antarctica, and the Indian Ocean
     - all of America, and the North and South Atlantic Oceans, Europe, and European Russia
  • may Gyhldeptis, Lady Hanging Hair, remind us all of the peace that still exists when we are in chaos, and may true, lasting and BPM peace be created in Syria, Yemen, central Africa, Ukraine, and all other places of violent conflict, and may that peace spread; 
  • may those harmed, directly or indirectly, by anything in today's news, and those charged with investigating/preventing any wrongful act, be given the appropriate BPM resources, including support, they need to recover from those events; 
  • for me:
    May I have - ASAP - a BPM safe, secure, adequate income, low stress and personally meaningful way to earn a living that enables me to achieve the BPM goals I have for this life.
    May S, S and T all have safe, secure, adequate income, low stress and meaningful incomes that are independent of me.
  • may we in Australia have better preparation for heat waves and bushfires, including building houses with greater heat mass and insulation and using geothermal stabilisation and non-flammable materials;   for the healing of all direct and indirect victims of sexual abuse – particularly children, and may the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice and BPM prevented from ever committing such an act again (including in future lives) - particularly when the abuser is someone with power;   may all victims of crime receive the help they need, as is for HSG, and the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice;   may all public debates be civil;   and   may micro-homes and other flexibility to enable affordable housing come into widespread being (especially overcoming, reversing, and removing the bigotry towards life time renters, and breaking the moronic association between owning a home and wanting to be / feel wealthy / superior);
  • may all past / present / future Real Estate Agents and similar that I or my SOs have to deal with be absolutely utterly and completely BPM stopped and prevented from any / all nonBPM behaviour;
  • may I have the healing, energy, time and resources I need to recover from the last couple of decades, complete all the non-paying work I am meant to do / do all that I should in this incarnation, and achieve my personal goals, and may I live long enough to retire, and have the good health and income to do what I have been denied by having to support dependents;
  • for a stable and adequate income for all the people I care about / close to me / that I have a duty for, and an honourable BPM way out of my current living situation to a situation that is more pleasant, fulfilling and BPM sustainable for me; 
  • may I have the BPM opportunities - some where - to resume my spiritual / psychic work at full intensity, including always having the time, energy and psychic space to do these candles regularly, on a daily basis;
  • Let me this day, living my life day by day in the manner prescribed, control and direct my imagination.
    Let me this day, living my life day by day in the manner prescribed, control my desires and my thoughts that I be purified thereby.
    Let me this day and all days, keep my imagination and my thoughts directed firmly upon the task which has to be accomplished that success may come thereby.
    I will at all times live my life day by day, controlling imagination and thought.
                                                                             [Lobsang Rampa]

    We pray that all people of all nations of this world come to peace within themselves and come to recognise whence they came.
    We pray that all civilisations of the Universe that are engaged in the balancing of the Universe be given peace and strength within to carry on the work to which they are committed.
    We pray that the physical beings of the planet Earth come into a state of awareness and understanding in order for their souls to evolve to raise the spiritual level of the planet Earth and to cleanse the realms around the planet Earth for the betterment of all.
    We pray that those beings and civilisations that are opposing what we do come to the Light of understanding so that they also come into perfect balance.
    We pray that the day may soon come when all in the Universe have the knowledge and understanding that will make them whole.
    We pray for understanding amongst ourselves, and for the strength that is needed so each of us can guide the others to become perfect beings.
    We pray for the souls of all people of all nations of this world to be brought out of spiritual ignorance and into spiritual enlightenment.

                                                                             [adapted from "the Nine"]
    Keep me free from evil thoughts. Keep me free from the blackness of despair. At the time of my misery shine a light into the darkness that enshrouds me.
    Let my every thought be good and clean. Let my every action be for the good of others. Let me be positive in my thoughts that my mind may be strengthened therefrom.
    I am the Master of my Destiny. As I think today, so am I tomorrow. Let me therefore avoid all evil thoughts. Let me avoid all thoughts which cause distress to others. Let my Spirit arise within me that I may easily succeed in the task that lies ahead.
    I am the Master of my Destiny. So be it.

                                                                             [Lobsang Rampa]
    I am an instrument of peace:
       where there is hate and anger, I shall bring calm;
       where there is injury, healing and surcease;
       where there is despair or doubt, I bring hope and faith;
       where there is darkness, clarity of Light;
       and where there is sadness, I bring joy and resolve;
    I am a Fulcrum of Balance, Maturity and Light

                                                                             [adapted from a "Jedi Prayer" found online]
    May the best in me, my Higher Self,
    and those of the Clear Light who assist me,
    help me to keep myself grounded, centred and shielded,
    to be Balanced and a Fulcrum of Balance,
    a centre of Balanced Positivity and Spiritual Maturity,
    with my aura continuously cleansed, cleared and closed,
    repelling all negative or unwanted energies,
    whilst allowing positive, balancing and healing energies in and through.
  • may all these requests, and everything that is done, thought, said or felt in relation to them, be only BPM and for, and to the extent that is for, the Highest Spiritual Good.

Candles – Day 34 Cweorth

I give thanks for all past blessings I have received from Cweorth, and may, under the direction of my Higher Self and the Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force, the energies, Principles and Entities symbolised by and embedded in this rune, as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG) ensure that the following have adequate BPM transformation / transition, including benefits and duties of same, and other resources to be of the BPM and to do that which they should for the BPM for themselves and others:
·         myself, including my parallels and Higher Self and my life, health and wellbeing;
·         my Significant Others, past, present and future;
·         all those I have a duty to or have made a BPM choice to care about or assist;
·         all who have sought, are seeking or will seek to make this world a better (i.e., more BPM) place, including opposing those actions, entities and units which are weakening or opposing the BPM or are not of the BPM;
·         all specific actions I have, am or will think of in relation to accomplishing this, including all those I have raised previously under this rune (until they are BPM completed), particularly:
o    I have the ability to transform (and may I only use that for the BPM),
o    all be BPM prepared for their eventual passing, unafraid and with equanimity, and without leaving problems for their near and dear ones left behind, and for the possible passing of those near and dear to them,
o    all who die, particularly from acts of violent extremism, torture, crime, poverty/hunger/thirst or “Acts of Nature’, be BPM assisted to pass over.
May this be done with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may, as is for HSG, I and all others directly or indirectly involved with accomplishing this, on all levels, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be.