Wednesday 24 February 2016

Day 03 candles

I give thanks for all past blessings I have received from Thorn/Thurisaz, and may, under the direction of my Higher Self and the Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force, the energies, Principles and Entities symbolised by and embedded in this rune, as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG) ensure that the following have adequate BPLF breakthroughs, access to the natural powers and protection to be of the BPLF and to do that which they should for the BPLF for themselves and others:
·         myself, including my parallels and Higher Self and my life, health and wellbeing;
·         my Significant Others, past, present and future;
·         all those I have a duty or have made a BPLF choice to care about or assist;
·         all who have sought to make this world a better (i.e., more BPLF) place, including opposing those actions, entities and units which are weakening or opposing the BPLF or are not of the BPLF; and
·         all specific actions I have, am or will think of in relation to accomplishing this, including, including all those I have raised previously under this rune (until they are BPLF completed) including:
o    me never being mastered by fear; and
o    the successful BPLF occurrence and use of “breakthroughs” in BPLF investigations by media, police and counter-terrorism people so that society may be BPLF safer and better.
May this be done with no unintended or non-BPLF consequences, and may, as is for HSG, I and all others directly or indirectly involved with accomplishing this, on all levels, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPLF consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be.

I give thanks for all past work on this, and may, under the direction of the Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force, the energies, Principles and Entities symbolised by and embedded in these runes, as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG) ensure that:
·         the Peace, Hope, Love and Prosperity spell, and all similar spiritual/psychic work for peace, be made FULLY manifest;
·         all people
o    put the worldwide community of humanity first, and start to manifest that through greater unity, including Balanced Positive Light Force (BPLF) effectiveness of the European Union, African Union, United Nations and the like,
o    NEVER place expediency ahead of decency and/or human rights,
o    the work of specific individuals for BPLF peace be enhanced, facilitated and successful,
o    those who actively or passively oppose or hinder BPLF peace be BPLF nullified including:
 - those responsible for acts of hatred, bigotry or prejudice be brought to Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force justice,
 - all alienation of people or minorities be reversed, including peaceful realignment of nonsensical boundaries imposed by others;
o    whoever has material power have the wherewithal to comport themselves with dignity, and to ensure that all act with dignity, restraint, and thought for the future of their land and ALL the peoples who live there including women, LGBTIQ people, Pagans, New World Servants and all asylum seekers / refugees, and actively seek to BPLF defuse tensions to avoid unnecessary wars, violence and conflict;
·         may over-population be BPLF managed, prevented and reversed (e.g., by increased education and GDP) and over-consumption also BPLF managed, prevented and reversed, with reduction in the number of ultra-rich and their influence;
·         may access to resources such as water and minerals always be equitable and in line with BPLF justice, and negotiations over same conducted with dignity, respect, selflessness and transparency.
May this be done with no unintended or non-BPLF consequences, and may, as is for HSG, I and all others directly or indirectly involved with accomplishing this, on all levels, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPLF consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be.

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