Monday 16 October 2017

For Equal Marriage in Australia with least/no divisiveness/violence, and a better world

  • May the lack of understanding, compassion and human decency of all former neoliberal Australian Prime Ministers and their ilk, the utterly uninformed hate of conservatives, the hypocritical unloving parents who cannot stand the possibility that their child will have any combination of views but their own prejudices, and all those who, either deliberately or inadvertently, reinforce or advocate for such views - which, at their core, are NO DIFFERENT to white supremacist (aka "racist") or male supremacist (aka "sexist") views, be BPM cleansed and cleared of those flaws, and may those flaws be replaced with true BPM spiritual and other forms of maturity and love - or at least genuine acceptance, to the extent that they actively, willingly and deliberately undo the massive personal and societal harm that they have done - may Cerridwen, Bride and Kwan Yin make it so;
  • may the 45th President of the USA and other despots (Duterte, Mugabe, Kim), together with those seeking to encourage or enact their malicious and destructive evil, be BPM neutralised, cleansed and cleared of the flaw that led them to be that way, and brought to a state of BPM awareness, understanding and knowledge - may Hades, Saturnus and the Morrigan make it so;
  • may the marginal supporters of both sets have the nonBPM influences lifted from their shoulders, allowing them to “come to their senses”, and the BPM influences around them (e.g., their BPM Guides) be simultaneously strengthened to counter any backsliding - may Thor, Maat, and Wodan make it so;
  • may all those who are seeking to accomplish these BPM goals be BPM assisted (e.g., by sending them “positive vibes”, having nonBPM blockages cleared, and actions such as BPM vortices above meetings to draw away external nonBPM influences/energies/units, so that the audience can listen as they are, without any obsession/possession) - may Nepthys, Salah, and Tiw make it so;
  • may Gyhldeptis, Lady Hanging Hair, tie all this together in a harmonious, constructive and BPM manner.
So mote it be.
The evil - and, whether it is there out of malice or ignorance, it is evil - that is in the hearts of those who are harming and diminishing gays, lesbians and trans people, is, at its core, the same as the evil that harms and diminishes humans of other races, ethnicities or cultures, or sexes or genders, or religions, or those humans seeking safety. Furthermore, as with the evil that is slavery, one of its worst aspects is that those people indulging in it get used to being cruel and try to justify it.
The struggle for Equal Marriage is a struggle to abolish the slavery-like control that one group of people exerts over the hearts of another group of people.
US Justice Harlan’s comment "This 'liberty' is not a series of isolated points ... It is a rational continuum which, broadly speaking, includes a freedom from all substantial arbitrary impositions and purposeless restraints" speaks to a more universal principle: specific “–isms” of discrimination are not the problem, the underlying bigotry, and whatever fear, ignorance or hate it is founded on, is the problem.
Human dignity is the inherently cumulative holistic combination of human rights, wellbeing and potential, and all actions or interaction which promote, realise or facilitate same. The converse also applies: whatever degrades, diminishes or robs humans of dignity, is inherently undignified.

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