Saturday 31 December 2016

For Saturday 31st December, 2016

Today's specific candles are for the following:

  • may 2017 be a BPM year;
  • for good, BPM governance everywhere
  • for the healing, rest and recovery of all trying to make this world a more BPM peaceful place, and may all my divinations tomorrow be accurate;
  • may Gyhldeptis, Lady Hanging Hair, remind us all of the peace that still exists when we are in chaos, and may true, lasting and BPM peace be created in Syria, Yemen, and all other places of violent conflict, and may that peace spread;
  • for me:
  • may we in Australia have better preparation for heat waves and bushfires, including building houses with greater heat mass and insulation, and using non-flammable materials;   for the healing of all direct and indirect victims of sexual abuse – particularly children, and may the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice and BPM prevented from ever committing such an act again (including in future lives) - particularly when the abuser is someone with power;   may all victims of crime receive the help they need, as is for HSG, and the perpetrators be brought to BPM justice;   may all public debates be civil;   and   may micro-homes and other flexibility to enable affordable housing come into widespread being (especially changing the bigotry towards life time renters, and breaking the moronic association between owning a home and wanting to be / feel wealthy / superior);
  • Artemis, Baba Yaga, Pachamama and Cernunnos,
    help us connect to the wild places
    - show us all the beauty of all the life there,
    human, animal, plant or mineral,
    help all who touch these places,
    to truly know and care for them,
    for their own innate worth. 

    Brigid, Maeve and Isis,
    inspire and help all those who care for the bush or fight bushfires,
    let them fulfil their duties with passion and inspiration;
    and inspire and heal those tempted to do harm
    to such responsibility and caring
    that they can NOT commit such sacrilege,
    but may Ma’at bring swiftly to justice all who do.

    Nu Kua, bringer of order to chaos,
    bring your ordered way to the wild places;
    let the rains fall and the winds blow when and where they are needed;
    Durga, protector against demons,
    set boundaries on any fires which may occur,
    and protect the wild places from the demon “bushfire”;
    Cerridwen, transform all harm and damage done into growth: death into rebirth.

    we call on you to help synthesise all these threads,
    love, responsibility, inspiration, justice;
    ordered rain and wind, protective boundaries, transformation;
    help these many ways become one great whole,
    for the good of all the wild places, and all the wild life.
    throughout this coming bushfire season and beyond.

    Artemis, Baba Yaga, Pachamama, Cernunnos,
    Let us love the wild places;
    Brigid, Maeve, Isis and Ma’at,
    Heal and inspire responsibility and justice;
    Nu Kua, Durga and Cerridwen,
    Tame and bound the demon bushfire;
    Bring all this together.

    Kenaz, Nauthiz, Tiewaz, Berkana, Mannaz, Wolfsangle, Erda,
    May it all be so. 
  • may all past / present / future Real Estate Agents and similar that I or my SOs have to deal with be absolutely utterly and completely BPM stopped and prevented from any / all nonBPM behaviour;
  • may I have the healing, energy, time and resources I need to recover from the last couple of decades, complete all the non-paying work I am meant to do / do all that I should in this incarnation, and, if it is for the HSG, achieve my personal goals including finding a low stress, rewarding, stable and secure, and adequate-income job, or possibly a "high altitude" job;
  • for a stable and adequate income for all the people I care about / close to me / that I have a duty for, and an honourable BPM way out of my current living situation to a situation that is moore pleasant, fulfilling and BPM sustainable for me; 
  • may I have the BPM opportunities - some where - to resume my spiritual / psychic work at full intensity, including always having the time, energy and psychic space to do these candles regularly, on a daily basis;
  • Let me this day, living my life day by day in the manner prescribed, control and direct my imagination.
    Let me this day, living my life day by day in the manner prescribed, control my desires and my thoughts that I be purified thereby.
    Let me this day and all days, keep my imagination and my thoughts directed firmly upon the task which has to be accomplished that success may come thereby.
    I will at all times live my life day by day, controlling imagination and thought.
                                                                             [Lobsang Rampa]

    We pray that all people of all nations of this world come to peace within themselves and come to recognise whence they came.
    We pray that all civilisations of the Universe that are engaged in the balancing of the Universe be given peace and strength within to carry on the work to which they are committed.
    We pray that the physical beings of the planet Earth come into a state of awareness and understanding in order for their souls to evolve to raise the spiritual level of the planet Earth and to cleanse the realms around the planet Earth for the betterment of all.
    We pray that those beings and civilisations that are opposing what we do come to the Light of understanding so that they also come into perfect balance.
    We pray that the day may soon come when all in the Universe have the knowledge and understanding that will make them whole.
    We pray for understanding amongst ourselves, and for the strength that is needed so each of us can guide the others to become perfect beings.
    We pray for the souls of all people of all nations of this world to be brought out of spiritual ignorance and into spiritual enlightenment.

                                                                             [adapted from "the Nine"]
    Keep me free from evil thoughts. Keep me free from the blackness of despair. At the time of my misery shine a light into the darkness that enshrouds me.
    Let my every thought be good and clean. Let my every action be for the good of others. Let me be positive in my thoughts that my mind may be strengthened therefrom.
    I am the Master of my Destiny. As I think today, so am I tomorrow. Let me therefore avoid all evil thoughts. Let me avoid all thoughts which cause distress to others. Let my Spirit arise within me that I may easily succeed in the task that lies ahead.
    I am the Master of my Destiny. So be it.

                                                                             [Lobsang Rampa]
    I am an instrument of peace:
       where there is hate and anger, I shall bring calm;
       where there is injury, healing and surcease;
       where there is despair or doubt, I bring hope and faith;
       where there is darkness, clarity of Light;
       and where there is sadness, I bring joy and resolve;
    I am a Fulcrum of Balance, Maturity and Light

                                                                             [adapted from a "Jedi Prayer" found online]
    May the best in me, my Higher Self,
    and those of the Clear Light who assist me,
    help me to keep myself grounded, centred and shielded,
    to be Balanced and a Fulcrum of Balance,
    a centre of Balanced Positivity and Spiritual Maturity,
    with my aura continuously cleansed, cleared and closed,
    repelling all negative or unwanted energies,
    whilst allowing positive, balancing and healing energies in and through.
  • may all these requests, and everything that is done, thought, said or felt in relation to them, be only BPM and for, and to the extent that is for, the Highest Spiritual Good.

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