May the work of my main blog (clearing nonBPM nonphysical units, BPM healing, and BPM strengthening of BPM units) be done now in relation to the following - and ALL similar events that have not been reported on/identified specifically:
- effective BPM proactive preparation for/to prevent future recurrences of, BPM harm minimisation and rescue during, and BPM short, medium, and long term recovery from, including BPM healing on all levels and, where required, assistance to pass over, for all sentient life, and including BPM groups/cultures/societies/Group Minds/egregores directly or indirectly affected, all commensurate with their respective needs, and including ensuring all those helping those affected be given the support, resources, and all else that they need to BPM do their job and to cope & heal afterwards, and ensuring all lessons are BPM learned and BPM remedial/preventative actions are fully realised, the following DISASTERS:
- recent and not-now-thought-about disasters, current and imminent/potential disasters,
(Australia) a supermarket chain will stop selling kitchen knives after one was used to critically injure a worker,
(states of Australia) a storm in NSW, (Ana'esia (Africa)) fears that South Africa's action against illegal gold miners may have killed scores, an mpox public health emergency in Sierra Leone, disaster recovery problems after the earthquake last year in Ethiopia, (elsewhere) the fires in the USA have seen a debunking of more amathiac rumours, a cyclone hit Madagascar before becoming a tropical storm that struck France's Mayotte, in the Indian Ocean just weeks after devastating cyclone, and the climate crisis and environmental problems (calls to halt kangaroo culling after the fires in Geriwerd/the Grampians, French banks have been making massive profits from fossil fuel investments that are polluting the Amazon basin, Australia's long history of failure with regard to sustainable and affordable houses); - effective BPM proactive preparation for, BPM urgent recognition of, commitment to, and BPM fully realised meeting of HUMANITARIAN AID NEEDS in, and/or in relation to/for:
- Gaza, Sudan, the Horn of Africa, Palestine, Syria,
Myanmar/Burma, Haiti, the Sahel, Afghanistan, the DRC,
Yemen, Ukraine, Vanuatu, and migration in the Americas, the
global financial order (debt, etc), conflicts, the fracturing
of the old order, mass atrocity crimes & impunity, gendered
violence, gang violence & organised crime (especially in South & Central America), & the end of asylum, and South Sudan (MSF has suspended work in two more counties over violence);
- fully BPM realising/celebrating/defending/maintaining/capitalising on improvements to, and BPM managing HUMAN RIGHTS against abuses/non-observance/non-accountability/other problematic issues, and celebrating/enhancing/capitalising on victories, in relation to/for:
- (Australia) housing rental stress in middle class Australia and the high risks of homelessness for older women, (states of Australia) a man has denied animal cruelty charges in NSW, the (collapsing) mental health system in NSW, the first round priorities for Treaty negotiations between the First Peoples' Assembly and the Victoria have been agreed, Qld is going to go down the hard law option even further, a construction company pleaded guilty to interfering with Aboriginal relics in Tas, (Ana'esia (Africa)) Uganda (military kangaroo courts, torture of the lawyer for an opposition figure), Morocco (activist jailed for protesting inadequate earthquake response), Cameroon (attacks on displaced people), South Africa (anger over police tactics that left 87 illegal miners dead), West Africa (dozens of "migrants" may have drowned attempting to reach Spain), Libya (allegations of torture in prisons), Botswana (gendered violence), (elsewhere) more spectator racism in sport, Syria (no relief for the families of those who were forcibly disappeared, children being injured or killed every day by unexploded ordinance), hope for Syria and Lebanon, more criticism of the amathiac and rabidly bigotted tool BMI - and a suggestion for a better approach, Cuba has said it would release 553 prisoners in response to the USA removing the communist country from its list of terror sponsors, more than one million Haitians have been displaced by gang violence, USA (increased anti-LGBTQIASB+ hate and violence), Türkiye (utterly amathiac conspiracy fantasy anti-LGBTQIASB+ rubbish), and an Atrocity Alert for Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Ukraine and Atrocity Risks and Content Moderation;
- successfully BPM minimising, BPM containing (especially the spread of, and cyclic repetitions), BPM ending with a BPM fair, just, equitable & sustainable peace, BPM prevention, followed by BPM healing, recovery and rebuilding, on all levels and, where required, assistance to pass over, for all sentient life / BPM groups/cultures/societies/Group Minds/egregores directly or indirectly affected, all commensurate with their respective needs, from continuing/new VIOLENCE / CONFLICT / WAR in, and/or in relation to/for:
- this list (based on years), and sources such as the ICG’s monthly conflict watch;
- Israel-Palestine/Arab (more blocking of critical aid, calls for the international press to speak out in support of Palestinian journalists, an admission Israel used an ambulance to raid a hospital),
- Ukraine (significant casualties amongst North Koreans fighting for Russia, and an offer of a prisoner exchange, more US sanctions on Russia, Ukraine still considering the dangerous and possibly escalatory move of having other nations forces join in, revenge attacks on Russian energy infrastructure, ACLED assessment, increased fighting), the Israel-Palestine/Arab conflict with links provided above, Myanmar/Burma (loss of healthcare), Sudan (over 100 killed by artillery shelling near capital, greater danger for civilians), insurgency
in the Maghreb/Sahel/Burkina
Faso/Mali/Niger (fears over ECOWAS withdrawal)/Benin/Togo/Algeria/Tunisia/Chad/Ivory
Coast/Mauritania/Ghana/Nigeria (airstrike has again killed civilians as well as insurgents)/Cameroon/Morocco/Libya, Ethiopia,
Mexico, B_ k_ insurgency in Nigeria/Cameroon/Niger/Chad, Syria (refugees still need protection), Somalia, Haiti, K_ v_ conflict in DRC (more fighting in the east, farmers killed, and this)/Rwanda/Burundi/Uganda, Colombia,
Anglophone crisis in Cameroon/Nigeria, communal conflicts within
Nigeria, insurgency in Pakistan, Afghanistan,
Sudanese/South Sudanese ethnic conflicts, and in
Iraq/Bangladesh/CAR/Mozambique and Tanzania/India and
Bhutan/Honduras/Philippines/Brazil/Iran/Jamaica/PNG, and also a reminder of what the last US invasion of Panama was like, Japan (hammer attack), my home city (a knife fight in the west and another in the south east), Trinidad & Tobago (extended state of emergency over violence), an overview/assessment of violence/risks in Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, Asia-Pacific, Ana'esia/Africa, South & Central America and the Caribbean, USA & Canada, and West Asia, Yemen, South Sudan-Uganda (border tensions);
- successfully containing, reversing and overcoming threats to, and fully BPM realising/celebrating/protecting/maintaining/capitalising on improvements to, and BPM managing DEMOCRACY (and governance and international matters), including BPM ensuring that all Group Mind/egregores are full of BPM calm, resilience, healing, community spirit, and are dedicated to BPM becoming and being BPM vibrant, multicultural, and progressive, with a BPM creative way of existing, and becoming BPM better in every way over time, in relation to/for:
- (Australia) a critique of the opposition leader's plans, the Greens have called for a Greens-ALP power sharing plan, interesting debunking of conspiracy fantasies and commentary about why Australia is a Commonwealth here and Australia's Seal, (Ana'esia (Africa)) Nigeria (poor regulation of instant payment system “fuels criminality”), DRC (threats to change the constitution), an assessment of upcoming 2025 elections in Ana'esia (Africa), Zimbabwe (attempt to extend president's service by two more terms ... ), Ethiopia (a stock market has been re-opened), Mozambique (protests against new president), (elsewhere) Croatia (return of populist president in elections), Syria (plans to encourage/ensure inclusivity, issues facing new government), discussions are proceeding over sovereignty of the Chagos Islands, Comoros (partially boycotted elections have been held), USA (one state has rejected an application by the radical right to throw out 60,000 votes, more threats against the press [comedians, specifically], legal action against a billionaire for alleged [even in this case, the principle of innocent until proven guilty applies] improper financial benefits, continuing staff concerns about a billionaire owned mainstream media outlet, a useful WW2 US Army warning on fascism, an expert analysis of the propaganda from a social media platform), South Korea (impeachment trial has begun and the former president has been arrested), Germany (snap election), Vanuatu (election despite the recent earthquake);
For all those people/places/matters, may:
- all nonBPM units - including those used to defend against other nonBPM units for the purposes of enabling nonBPM activities or maintaining covert status - be cleared away from those people, and all people/units controlling those people or associated with or, controlled by, them;
- all nonBPM influences associated with/used by those people (overt and covert), and all people/units controlling or associated with them, be BPM neutralised, BPM isolated, BPM reversed and utterly BPM undone - including BPM bringing covert activities into the light of knowledge in a BPM manner, protecting, healing, strengthening, and compensating all who have been harmed, including strengthening BPM connections to all people's Higher Selves, BPM Guides and BPM Matron/Patron Deities;
- all BPM people/units who are opposing such evil and their Significant Others be protected, healed, rendered BPM undetectable, and strengthened, and inspired and given every aid in their BPM work;
- all nonBPM influences be swamped, displaced, and replaced with all spaces/places/times/levels being filled with constructive BPM influences/units/aims, including problems such as interference with/distortion of communication/nonBPM actions such as curses or the equivalent being BPM contained, neutralised, reversed & all harm undone;
- BPM influences/units/people be so prevalent that any future recurrence of such evils be absolutely pre-empted and prevented;
- may all people taking action remember that souls are not extinguished, and they will HAVE to interact with both all those they do these actions on or against, as well as the victims of the wrongdoer's actions and those affected by their actions and/or inactions, in future lives, and thus choose to do all in a BPM manner that their conscience is happy with.
so that all that is nonBPM is contained, neutralised and reversed, with all people/concepts/associations/objects/places/the world as a whole healed of any and all harm done and protected against anything further,
all that is BPM - whether people/concepts/associations/objects/places/the world as a whole - is healed, strengthened, and protected, and all blocks/obstacles to achieving that are cleared.
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