Tuesday 9 July 2024

For the world

“In Life’s name, and for Life’s sake, I say that I will use the Art for nothing but the service of that Life. I will guard growth and ease pain. I will fight to preserve what grows and lives well in its own way; and I will change no object or creature unless its growth and life, or that of the system of which it is part, are threatened. To these ends, in the practice of my Art, I will put aside fear for courage, and death for life, when it is right to do so - till Universe’s end.”

From the “Young  Wizardsseries by Diane  Duane

Warrior born am I;   Warrior of Life and BPM  Clear  Light I choose to be, and exercise my Fierceness in contests to support Life and BPM  Clear  Light;   in that quest, I am BPM strengthening my aura, auric sheath & structures, chakras & connections, and my strength & power.   Child of the stars, daughter of Earth, I am Gnwmythr   -   shamaness, healer and Priestess of Light,   pluviophile,   dendrophile,   Sentinel,   and   WayFinder.   Wild and free, I drink the lightning in, run with the wolves, dance with the Moon and ride the wild, wild wind.

Consistently, consistently, steadily, steadily,
like a relentless river of ice
I progress daily
towards my goals, needs and aspirations.

May I, on all levels of my being down to my very cells’ DNA, molecules and atoms, manifest and facilitate spiritually mature love, peace, joy, honour and respect.
May I be kind, gentle and generous.
May I be unflappable, unsilenceable, and relentlessly undefeatable. 
May I be me.
Child of the stars, daughter of Earth, I am Gnwmythr - shamaness, healer and Priestess of Light.  




“Kunga dulgo dulgo bujera gumera kurrullbungil karulbo. Durungul.”
“Yindyamarra winhanganya”

I am a proud Wiradjuri and Widjabul Wia-bal woman. 

Metta / Maitrī (loving-kindness),   Karuṇā (compassion),   Muditā (appreciative joy),   Uppekha / Upekṣā (equanimity),   

May the work of my main blog (clearing nonBPM nonphysical  units,   BPM  healing,   and   BPM  strengthening of BPM units) be done now in relation to:

  • the excellent speech “‘Framing Indigenous empowerment with human rights: using the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples for real change’” by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission at the “4th National Indigenous Empowerment Summit” lead to BPM change - including Australia adopting the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the other goals in that speech being achieved;
  • the reliance on the unproven option of a curfew in Mparntwe/Alice Springs be extended into the BPM  real solutions all people consider necessary;
  • the refusal to act on warnings of danger arising from holding children in adult prisons in Queensland - enabled by suspending that states human rights act - be BPM punished, with real and effective BPM change - including to the dinosaur-like minds of people in Qld (especially their MPs);
  • the investigation into a religious sects schools lead to real BPM change - and compensation for victims & BPM punishment of any/all crimes;

  • on fascist rapist dictator King Trump and his cult: 
  • the eleven actions to protect democracy in the USA recommended by Robert Reich be BPM adopted, enacted, and BPM effective; 
  • the threats of the US Christo-fascists be BPM contained; 
  • the warnings to BPM defend democracy in Italy against the current PM’s move towards authoritarianism be BPM heeded and BPM acted on;
  • the stunning election of a reformist President of Iran lead to change towards engagement with the West and less barbaric or even more progressive social values;
  • the assault and verbal attacks on 51 candidates or political activists during France’s recent elections be noted - by ALL nations - with appropriate seriousness, and BPM measures implemented to BPM prevent that in future elections;
  • the abandonment by _____ (I do not name violent extremist organisations - nor give them the satisfaction of the T word) in negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza be BPM productive - for the sake of all Gazans - despite Israeli attempts at sabotage, and hopes of the new UK government dropping opposition to warrants on Netanyahu be realised;
  • the potential damage and harm from appointment of an antisemitism envoy in Australia who has a history of conflating antisemitism and valid criticism of Israel and is anti-ceasefire in Gaza be BPM contained and undone;
  • concerns over the increasing militarisation of the Pacific lead to a proper, effective, BPM response; 
  • the risks associated with Chinese-Belorussian troop exercises be BPM contained;

  • the political rights attempt to destroy education be recognised and BPM countered, neutralised and reversed;


and all candles in the service of life incl human rights & democracy & caring for the world.  

For all those people/places/matters, may: 

  • all nonBPM units be cleared away from those people/places/matters, and all people/units  controlling those people/places/matters or associated with or, controlled by, them; 
  • all nonBPM influences associated with those people/places/matters, and all people/units controlling or associated with them, be BPM neutralised, BPM isolated, BPM reversed and utterly BPM undone - including protecting, healing, and strengthening all who have been harmed, including strengthening BPM connections to all people's Higher Selves, BPM  Guides and BPM  Matron/Patron Deities
  • all BPM people/units who are opposing such evil be protected, healed, and strengthened, and inspired and given every aid in their BPM work; 
  • all nonBPM influences be swamped, displaced, and replaced by all spaces/places/times/levels being filled with constructive BPM influences/units/aims, including problems such as interference with/distortion of communication/nonBPM actions such as curses or the equivalent being BPM contained, neutralised, reversed & all harm undone
  • BPM influences/units/people be so prevalent that any future recurrence of such evils be absolutely pre-empted and prevented; 
  • may all people taking action remember that souls are not extinguished, and they will HAVE to interact with both all those they do these actions on or against, as well as the victims of the wrongdoer's actions and those affected by their actions and/or inactions, in future lives, and thus choose to do all in a BPM manner that their conscience is happy with

so that all that is nonBPM is contained, neutralised and reversed, with all people/concepts/associations/objects/places/the world as a whole healed of any and all harm done and protected against anything further,
all that is
BPM - whether people/concepts/associations/objects/places/the world as a whole - is healed, strengthened, and protected, and all blocks/obstacles to achieving that are cleared.

May all this be done with no unintended or nonBPM consequences, and may, as is for HSG, I and all others directly or indirectly involved with accomplishing this, on all levels, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or nonBPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible. 







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